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2024 Podcast Editing Rates - Complete Breakdown

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Planning a podcast begins by knowing the latest podcasting editing rates. Are you planning on starting a podcast in 2024? Then you have come to the right place! We will walk you through the different podcast editing rates for various podcast editing services.

What is Podcast Editing?

Before we delve into the major topic of this article, let us first define what podcast editing is. Podcast editing is improving or altering an audio or video file to its maximum quality. Usually, podcast editors or audio engineers edit audio recordings.

These experts always ensure that the output they will render matches the podcast show’s theme, story, and requirements. They edit podcasts to make them more interesting and entertaining to the viewers or listeners. Thus, audio editing in the production process is vital.

Why Should Podcasters Never Neglect Podcast Editing?

If you were to ask a bunch of podcasters why they started podcasting, most would probably say that the idea sprung out of passion for a certain subject of interest. Passion is essential! However, as you go along on your podcasting journey, you will realize that interest is not enough to sustain you. You must be able to finance your podcast with professional quality production.

To newbies in the podcasting industry, the thought of paying professional podcast editing rates can be daunting. However, remember to never let your fear push you to neglect the proper editing process. Below are the reasons quality podcast editing is a must.

Listeners notice even minor errors.

An unhappy girl listening through headphones.

You might think that you can make your podcast show successful even with minor errors in every episode. This is completely untrue. High-tech microphones will never filter sound disturbances. Instead, they will make these noises more obvious.

Podcasting is purely audio, and there is no other element that your listeners are focusing on except sound. They should, therefore, be able to focus on the voices of the hosts and guests. If there are annoying sounds, they will surely notice these errors. Repeatedly spoken expressions and filler words, for example, might seem minor to you. These errors, however, will distract listeners and disrupt the flow of your content.

Producing a high-quality podcast means attracting more listeners, sponsors, and advertisers. If you ignore quality, in the long run, your listeners will grow unsatisfied and probably ditch your show. Aim for perfection early on and you will never go wrong. It is better to edit out unnecessary words and sentences than to regret their effects in the end.

Time spent editing is time well spent.

The road to success is always rocky and steep. It is not an overnight thing. So, of course, you should invest time, effort, and resources in podcast editing. You might think it is better to release more content than allot time to editing. Because you think, “the more, the better.” In the podcasting game, however, quality trumps quantity.

You can choose a range of podcast editing rates that fits your budget from the information below if you do not want to go through the editing process yourself. This way, you also leave the editing to the professionals. They have the DAWs and other sophisticated editing tools that get the job done well. If you don’t want to pay, you can start your podcasting journey by learning how to clean up errors through various video tutorials.

Investing in editing is worthwhile.

a calculator next to an accounting sheet.

If you do not want to outsource to experts who can do the editing for you, you can try editing your files yourself. There are free Digital Audio Workstations that will save you from spending a fortune on editing software. Sound editing software like Audacity or GarageBand is the way to go if you’re just starting out. These tools will not give you a professional sound, however.

If you are in a position where you want to invest in a production company like Podkick, we will do the editing for you. Podcast production companies have different service packages that you can review and choose from. At Podkick, however, services are tailored to your needs.

Podcast Editing Rates

How much does self-produced cost?

Podcast editing rates vary across different variables. What you spend will change depending on the editing software you choose. If you decide to self-produce, monthly expenses will likely range from $0 to $100 per episode. This does not factor in the time that you invest in learning how to edit, how to use your chosen tool, and doing the actual editing work.

How much are freelance podcast editing rates?

A man typing on a laptop and writing on a tablet at the same time.

Through freelancing platforms like UpWork, you can find lower podcast editing rates than what you would expect to pay in your local area. You can contact a freelance podcast editor through a platform like this to help you. Note that freelance podcast editing rates vary mostly depending on location, experience, and expertise.

In our experience, new freelancers will probably charge from $1 to $20 per audio hour. Mid-level freelancers usually bill their clients around $30 to $50 per audio hour. Top editors are the most experienced and expensive in the field since they ensure top-quality services. Their services usually fall from $50 to $200 per hour of audio. You will always want to send a prospect a sample and ask for a quote before engaging their services.

Do you need to outsource podcast production?

If you plan to outsource podcast editing, you can expect to spend around $15 to $15,000 per episode. Again, the lower range does not factor in your time. This rate range is very broad because costs depend on many factors. For example, what tier of services or package level you subscribe to or the editor you work with will affect the cost greatly. Below are the different considerations you need to think about when outsourcing your podcast editing process.

How much are you willing to invest?

First off, you need to evaluate your current financial status. Ask yourself, “How much am I willing to pay for my show’s production?” It is essential to be realistic about setting your podcasting budget. Know if you can afford to outsource audio production based on the standard podcast editing rates.

How much time do you have to edit your podcast?

A man looking at his watch.

The next step is to see if your schedule allows you to self-edit each episode. Know that podcast editing takes an average of 60 minutes per episode. When your recording lasts for about an hour, you might need 90 minutes for editing.

If you think you cannot squeeze the editing of each podcast into your list of tasks, then you need to consider hiring someone else to do it for you.

Is your podcast complex?

Podcast shows vary depending on their categories. For instance, interviews may have two or more hosts and guests. This format is far more complicated than a narration. If you think your show requires high-level editing skills, you need to seek help from podcast editors.

Did you answer “YES” to all three questions above? Then, finding the best production company that offers your specific needs for reasonable podcast editing rates is a must. However, if you answered “NO”, you might choose to take your editing skills to the next level. There are a lot of resources available at your disposal.

Podcast Editing Companies

Podcast editing companies vary in size and production services. These companies offer different combinations of the following services: editing, mixing, mastering, music, sound effects, and production.

A camera next to a laptop showing video editing software.

These companies are usually subscription-based. Each subscription plan includes the number of episodes, length of the episodes, and other inclusions. The rate depends on the type of package you choose.


PodPanda is a boutique podcasting firm run by James McKinven, an expert podcaster who’s hosted successful podcasting series on entrepreneurship. For £200 per episode, the agency offers an all-inclusive podcast editing service. The cost may be daunting for some, but it is a full-service package that can take hours to complete.


Podigy offers a comprehensive podcast editing service that includes show notes and podcast distribution. Their pricing starts at $499 per month to edit. However, this based rate is subject to change and can increase to $599 per month for additional services like show notes and distribution. They also offer a 15% discount when you sign up for three months.

You can also enjoy a $100 discount if you let them insert their ad into your show. Prodigy also provides a step-by-step audio editing guide for you to learn what they offer.

Cashflow Podcasting

Another full-service podcast editing company is Cashflow Podcasting. They offer two different packages with a base rate of $899 per month. Their subscriptions are customizable. Their Podcaster Pro Package lets you record your podcast episode, then they will take care of the rest. It allows you to have add-on services based on your needs.

Here’s a glimpse of what you’ll get:

  • Audio Editing
  • Intro and Outro Inclusion
  • Advertisements
  • Podcast Host Uploading
  • Show Notes
  • Transcripts
  • Episode Website Setup

They also offer industry insights, marketing and growth templates, and optimization training. These services can help you scale your shows and improve your hosting skills. With them, you will gain better results on your podcasting journey.

In a Nutshell

Outsourcing podcast editing is the best way to produce quality episodes at a reasonable cost. You can go with a freelance or an agency solution. Do your research before choosing a podcast editor. Remember the following tips:

  • Terms and conditions and contracts are fundamental
  • Beware of hidden charges
  • Choose a podcast editing agency or freelancer with a track record for honesty
  • Communication can help you get the service you expect
  • There are plenty of ways to save money on the editing process


Podkick is a full-service podcast production agency catering to the legal, business, and finance industries. This company can provide you with excellent podcast formats to engage your listeners. The services they offer include:

  • Audio Editing
  • Notes and Resources
  • Distribution
  • Deep Analytics
  • Machine Learning
  • Guest Management

Podkick has a team of podcast editors and producers that will help you with your podcasting needs from start to finish. Currently, the company offers a quote-based plan. You may contact them to get a free consultation.

2024 Podcast Editing Rates - Complete Breakdown

Mary Achurra

Content Markteter