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How To Repurpose Podcast Content In 9 Simple Ways

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If you're a podcaster, you've probably asked yourself, "Is it possible to repurpose podcast content?"

The short answer is: yes, it is. The long answer is: it depends.

Repurposing your podcast means changing your content's format—whether from audio to video or from video to text. Sometimes repurposing your podcast will mean adding new information or updating older content. It can also be as simple as editing out parts of an episode that don't work anymore and leaving in the parts that do. In any case, repurposing your podcast will take time and effort—but we'll show you how!

What Does It Mean To Repurpose Podcast Content?

It's a term that gets thrown around a lot, but not everyone knows exactly what it means. The word repurpose can have a lot of different meanings, but when it comes to podcasts, we're talking about taking an existing audio recording and using it differently. This can include things like editing out parts of the recording and then adding in new material (for example, if you wanted to make your podcast longer), or taking some of the audio from one episode and adding it into another (for example, if you wanted to use part of one interview with an expert in one episode as an intro for another).

When you repurpose podcast content, you can help you reach new audiences, extend the life of your content and increase engagement with existing audiences.

Aside from that, repurposing a podcast means taking the same content and making it available in a different format. For example, if you have a 10-minute podcast on your website, you could also turn that into a video or an infographic.

For this to be effective, though, it's important that the new presentation is similar enough to the original one that people don't get confused by it—and it's also important that the new format gives people who love listening to your podcast something else they can do with it.

Why Is It Important?

The first reason is that it makes your content more accessible. If the only place you upload your podcast is on your website, you're limiting how many people can see it. You could put ads on YouTube and Facebook, but that costs money—and not everyone will see those ads! So if you don't want to spend tons of cash advertising your podcast and website, repurposing it into other formats is a great way to get more eyes on it.

The second reason is that people are more likely to listen when they don't have to download anything. If they can just click play on an audio file or watch a video instead of downloading an app or subscribing to iTunes, that will be easier. And easier = more downloads!

And finally? Repurposing means less work for you! Once you've created one piece of content, it's easy enough to turn into something else: an infographic, a blog post, or even another podcast episode (if it makes sense). You don't have to start from scratch each time.

Here Are 9 Ways To Repurpose Podcast Content

1. Create a YouTube Video

One of the easiest ways is by creating videos from it.

When you're done recording an episode, you can upload it to YouTube or Vimeo and use it as a video blog post on your website, or you can embed it in a blog post or social media post. You can even use it as a standalone video on your website's homepage!

If you have time, you can take the audio from a podcast episode and turn it into a short video with VoiceThread. Just record yourself speaking over the audio and play it back while recording your own voiceover. It'll be like watching an animated transcript of your original content!

Learn how to video record a podcast here.

2. Turn A Podcast Into A Blog Post

You’ve been podcasting for a while now, and you’re starting to see results. You’ve built up your audience, you’re getting more downloads, and people are listening to what you have to say. But it can be hard for people who don't know about your podcast to discover it and listen in. A blog post is one of the most effective ways of getting more eyes on your work—and converting those eyes into ears that will listen to your show.

The best thing about blogging is that it allows you to take full advantage of all the content you've already created for your show, including: 

  • Your episode descriptions
  • Your show notes
  • The transcripts/transcripts (if available) of each episode
  • Any images or graphics from the show that might help illustrate points made during each episode

It also helps with marketing your podcast as you can optimise this blog post for SEO on your website.

Having good website SEO will boost your traffic and visibility to attract more listeners.

As useful tool for turning podcasts into blogs posts is descript.

It will transcribe your podcast into written words.

Then you just need to format this content into a blog structure.

3. Turn A Podcast Into An Email Newsletter

Email newsletters are great because they allow you to reach people who aren't necessarily using podcasts as their primary means of consuming media.

They also provide another opportunity for engagement with your audience members outside the context of listening through headphones, making them much more accessible than other forms of online media (like social media).

You can use the tool mentioned above Descript, to transcribe your podcast and then you can format it for a newsletter.

This helps you save valuable time.

4. Create an Infographic

In this age of information overload, it can be difficult to cut through the noise and get your audience's attention. You may have heard that infographics are one of the best ways to do this, but you might not know where to start.

Here's some good news: You can repurpose your podcast content into infographics!

When you think about it, many things make for a good infographic. For example, it should include interesting data or facts relevant to your target audience.

It should also include images—and not just any images, but ones relevant to your infographic's subject matter.

And finally, an infographic should be easy to read and understand so that anyone can understand it quickly without having to read through too much text.

5. Write a book based on the content

First, writing a book is a huge commitment that takes years and years of work. But it also means that people can read and absorb your content in a way that's even more effective than listening to a podcast or watching a video.

It's like taking what they've heard and making it an experience in their own lives.

They can take notes on their reading material; they can highlight interesting parts; they can highlight quotes they love or take notes on quotes they don't understand yet (you know how many times I've written "What does this mean?" in the margins of my favorite books?)

You also have more space to expand upon concepts, dive deeper into certain topics and ideas, and answer questions that came up in your podcast episodes. You can also include additional resources that listeners might find helpful as they learn more about your subject matter—like links to articles or websites that go into more

6. Turn A Podcast Into Short Form Video

Tik tok, instagram reels and youtube shorts have massively increased in popularity these past couple of years.

With the help of tools you can easily turn your podcast episodes into short form videos.

Tools like Opus Clip.

Will automatically clip the highlights of your podcast and turn them into short form videos.

It will detect the most engaging parts and stories from your episode.

It will then create captions and give you a title to use.

These saves hours of video editing and they are ready to post right on social media.

If your podcast is audio only you may need to include stock video or images as the background.

7. Create Social Media Posts

Again you can take the best parts and highlights from your show and turn the into:

  • Tweets
  • Instagram carousels
  • Instagram Posts/Stories
  • Facebook Posts
  • Etc.

You just need some branded post templates you can re-use and then you can add your content and post.

8. Create Highlight Reels

Take all the highlight clips from your episode and condense into a highlight episode.

Then you can re-post this to all your social media platforms.

This is create for those who don't have time to watch the full episode.

People who want to quickly recap the episode might just want to watch the highlights.

9. Turn Into A Online Course

If you have any episode covering a broad topic.

You can create a collection of episodes and package it into a online course.

For example if your a marketing podcast.

You have 10 episodes all covering the importance of branding.

You can transcribe these episodes.

Then structure it into a course for "How To Build A Brand"

You could use the podcast information as a learning resource.

Then add certain templates and workflows to the course.

The Bottomline

It's time to repurpose podcast content. Many people are doing it, and it's a great way to build your brand and attract new subscribers!

Need some help? Reach out to PodKick today!

How To Repurpose Podcast Content In 9 Simple Ways

Mary Achurra

Content Markteter